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The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them

- Einstein [1]

This section is dedicated to monitoring P2P-influenced concepts and practices related to Collective Intelligence, Knowledge Management, epistemology, etc...

At this state we only ported a limited number of items from our related section on P2P Learning, i.e. the relevant entries from A to H.


Please compare the characteristics of Holomidal Collective Intelligence with those of Pyramidal Collective Intelligence


Rule Number One is to pay attention. Rule Number Two might be: Attention is a limited resource, so pay attention to where you pay attention.

-Howard Rheingold [2]

Long Citations

"Co-intelligence is the capacity to call forth the wisdom and resources of the whole and its members to enhance the longterm vitality of the whole and its members." Collectively, a community has more - and more diverse - information, perspective, and resources than any individual has. A wise community, a wise leader, and a wise democracy will use that rich diversity creatively and interactively. The diversity will then be mutually enhancing rather than mutually problematic. The appropriate role of the state is to create enabling conditions for that to happen at all levels and in all sectors and facets of society.

- Tom Atlee [3]

The systematic extensions of my brain is the brain of my friends. No matter how good tagging systems and wikis I have, they are neither sustainable nor scalable, when facing the tsunami of complexity waves coming at us faster and faster. The coming chaos is evolution trick’s to push us out from the comfortable but illusory thinking of the individual being the basic cognitive unit. IMHO, it’s the collective.

- George Por

Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other people’s experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate, of knowledge. I store my knowledge in my friends is an axiom for collecting knowledge through collecting people.

- Karen Stephenson [4] [5]

To survive and thrive, human systems *need* a not just a network view, but a multi-dimensional, multi-scaled view and definition of systems. this will help us see how many, many people can operate and multiply many forms of wealth within systems that previously seemed easily depletable. Peer networks are vital to creating the multi-dimensional maps and models and views that will allow all of us to see the cornacopia of options that now exist, provided we can shift out focus from exploitation and control, to existential symbiosis with everything that is around us, on as many scales as possible.

- Sam Rose

"From a very early age, we are taught to break apart problems, to fragment the world. This apparently makes complex tasks and subjects more manageable, but we pay a hidden, enormous price. We can no longer see the consequences of our actions; we lose our intrinisic sense of connection to a larger whole. When we then try to ‘see the big picture,’ we try to reassemble the fragments in our minds, to list and organize all the pieces. But, as physicist David Bohm says, the task is futile–similar to trying to reassemble the fragments of a broken mirror to see a true reflection. Thus, after a while we give up trying to see the whole altogether."

- Peter Senge [6]



Dave Snowden has proposed the Cynefin framework for identifying the best match between knowledge styles and reality:

"It has five domains, characterised by the relationship between cause and effect. The first four domains are:

  • Simple, in which the relationship between cause and effect is obvious to all, the approach is to Sense - Categorise - Respond and we can apply best practice.
  • Complicated, in which the relationship between cause and effect requires analysis or some other form of investigation and/or the application of expert knowledge, the approach is to Sense - Analyze - Respond and we can apply good practice.
  • Complex, in which the relationship between cause and effect can only be perceived in retrospect, but not in advance, the approach is to Probe - Sense - Respond and we can sense emergent practice.
  • Chaotic, in which there is no relationship between cause and effect at systems level, the approach is to Act - Sense - Respond and we can discover novel practice.

The fifth domain is Disorder, which is the state of not knowing what type of causality exists, in which state people will revert to the comfort zone in making a decision." (

See the video: Shawn Callahan on the Cynefin Framework


Framework from George Dyson in Darwin Among The Machines, summarized by Kevin Kelly [7]:

  • One species, many minds: The official future. We interbreed among our genetic improvements and keep our individuality distinct, and our species identity intact.
  • One species, one mind: Through electronic mediation, we join together to create a superorganism. A suprahuman.
  • Many species, many minds: Ultimate diversity. Humans fork in their evolution to create new breeds. Some may even join machines in cyborgian partnerships.
  • Many species, one mind: We fork in biology but unite in the noosphere. Millions of species share the same mind.


Henry Jenkins:

"We can argue that there are a range of different models of collective intelligence shaping the digital realm at the present time. We might distinguish broadly between three different models:

1) An aggregative model which assumes that we can collect data based on the autonomous and anonymous decisions of “the crowd” and use it to gain insights into their collective behavior. This is the model which shapes Digg and to some degree, YouTube.

2) a curatorial model where grassroots intermediaries seek to represent their various constituencies and bring together information that they think is valuable. This is the model which shapes the blogosphere.

3) a deliberative model where many different voices come together, define problems, vet information, and find solutions which would be impossible for any individual to achieve. This is the model shaping Wikipedia or even more powerfully alternate universe games. Of the three, the deliberative model offers the most democratic potentials, especially when it is tempered by ethical and political commitments to diversity. This is the model which Pierre Levy describes in his book, Collective Intelligence. Levy’s account stresses the affirmative value placed on diversity in such a culture. The more diverse the community, the broader range of possible information and insights can inform the deliberative process." (

Related Wiki Sections

Key Resources

  1. The Social Brain Hypothesis, essay where Robin Dunbar explains the cognitive limitations of his Dunbar Number
  2. Book: Collective Intelligence: Creating a Prosperous at Peace. Ed. by Mark Tovey.

Key Articles

  1. Emergence of a Global Brain‎. Francis Heylighen
  2. Science of Collective Intelligence‎. Norman L Johnson
  3. Civic Intelligence and the Public Sphere‎. Douglas Schuler
  4. Co-intelligence, Collective Intelligence, and Conscious Evolution. Tom Atlee‎
  5. Kingsley Dennis on The Great Acceleration: The Astounding Growth in the Psychological Evolution of the Human Self.
  6. Moving from Binary to Ternary Thinking. John Michael Greer
  7. Collective Sense-Making as Negotiated Agreement. Harold Jarche
  8. The Evolution of Cognition. William L. Benzon and David G. Hays. [8]

Thomas Malone:

  1. Harnessing Crowds: Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence. By Thomas Malone, Robert Laubacher, and Chrysanthos Dellarocas. [9]
  2. What is Collective Intelligence? Thomas Malone

George Por:

See also:

  1. Evolutionary Worldview Rising, Integral Leadership Review,
  2. Collective Intelligence and Collective Leadership: Twin Paths to Beyond Chaos, University of Amsterdam,
  3. Connecting Our Conversations for Becoming Wiser Together, Kosmos Journal,
  4. Collective Intelligence as a Field of Multi-disciplinary Study and Practice, Evolutionary Nexus,
  5. Designing for the Emergence of a Global-scale Collective Intelligence, The First Global Brain Workshop,
  6. Nurturing Systemic Wisdom through Knowledge Ecology, The Systems Thinker,
  7. Quest for Collective Intelligence, Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business,

Howard Rheingold:

Nova Spivack:

  1. Towards Healthy Virtual Selves for Collective Groups; From the recommended essay: How to Build the Global Mind
  2. Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of the Web‎.

John Stewart:

  1. The evolution of consciousness, rooted in complexity and cognitive sciences. See Stewart, J. E. (2007) The future evolution of consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 14, No. 8, Pp. 58-92.
  2. Evolutionary Manifesto ; book: Evolution's Arrow

Key Books

  1. George Dyson. Darwin Among The Machines: The Evolution Of Global Intelligence: wonderful history of the network mind
  2. Otto Laske. Manual of Dialectical Thought Forms.
  3. COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace. Ed. by Mark Tovey. This book contains key essays from all major figures in the field. Full online version [10]
  4. Handbook of Collective Intelligence By Thomas W. Malone et al.: This Handbook provides a survey of the field of collective intelligence, summarizing what is known, providing references to sources for further information, and suggesting possibilities for future research.

Key Tags

  1. Collective Intelligence
  2. P2P Learning
  3. P2P Epistemology

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