Friederike Habermann

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= author, activist and freelance academic


"Dr. Friederike Habermann is an economist, historian and political scientist as well as author, activist and freelanced academic. In the aftermath of a book about alternative economy in the German speaking area (´Halbinseln gegen den Strom´) she became aware that younger approaches also correspond to the principles of commonsbased peerproduction. In order to emphasize its potential for the whole economy, she calls it ´Ecommony´.

She lives in a solidarian and ecological project next to Berlin."


Dr. Friederike Habermann (born in 1967) is a German economist, historian and political scientist. For 30 years, she is active in social movements, including the global resistance movement. She lives in a solidarian and ecological project next to Berlin.

HER VISION: In the aftermath of a book about alternative economy in the German speaking area (´Halbinseln gegen den Strom´) she became aware that younger approaches also correspond to the principles of Commons-Based Peer Production. In order to emphasize its potential for the whole economy, she calls it ´Ecommony."


In English

German-language BOOKS

  • Geschichte wird gemacht. Etappen des globalen Widerstands, in der Reihe ´Bibliothek des Widerstands´, Hamburg (Laika) (Mai) 2013.
  • Der unsichtbare Tropenhelm. Wie koloniales Denken noch immer unsere Köpfe beherrscht, Klein Jasedow (Drachenverlag) (April) 2013.
  • Halbinseln gegen den Strom. Anders leben und wirtschaften im Alltag, hrsg. v.d. Stiftung Fraueninitiative, Königstein (Ulrike-Helmer-Verlag) 2009.
  • Der Homo Oeconomicus und das Andere. Hegemonie, Identität und Emanzipation, Bd. 1 der Reihe ´Feminist and Critical Political Economy´, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2008.
  • Aus der Not eine andere Welt. Gelebter Widerstand in Argentinien, hrsg. v.d. Stiftung Fraueninitiative, Königstein (Ulrike Helmer-Verlag).
  • Chiapas und die Internationale der Hoffnung, (mit Ulrich Brand u.a.), Köln (isp) 1997.