Peer-Based Moderation

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"Content submitted by users is available immediately, but can be edited, reviewed or even deleted by certain or all users of the same UCC platform. Due to the fact that a greater group of people is involved, peer-based moderation is said to be best to maximise the potential of UCC platforms. However, this system of moderation also places the greatest responsibility with the community of users. New governance schemes have also emerged with allow for rating and recommendation (i.e. social filtration and accreditation).

As the importance of reviews, tags and ratings increases, users are tempted to abuse of those systems while including wrong or biased reviews (review fraud) or engage in misleading tagging of their content (i.e. a member uses popular but irrelevant keywords to describe his/her video or other content in order to draw more traffic). This reduces the overall reliability of ratings and the overall searchability of the network. UCC sites make an effort to diminish the possibility of such abuse, and maintain relevant sanctions. But overall, problems of information and content quality and accuracy may remain." (