Sustainist Design

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By Michiel Schwarz:

"The sustainist design challenge is as follows: What would happen if “shareability” would be taken as a design criterion? How might we bring shareable assets into the design process for products, services, environments and situations? What might we (re)design to encourage more sharing and open exchange?


Shareability depends as much on open exchange and social networks as on the specific feature of what is being shared. That’s why shareable design often starts with the design of social connections. As design thinker Ezio Manzini says, “The act of designing for sharing makes otherwise invisible connections visible.” Design for sharing implies a different mode of social exchange and how we do things. As collaborative consumption pioneer Rachel Botsman has formulated the design-for-sharing challenge: “Designers must re-imagine not just what we consume, but how we consume.”

There are no blueprints to design for sharing and the leads to shareable design will be diverse. The impetus comes from different considerations and opportunities. In some cases, limited resources or environmental concerns are leading. In others, the communal and collaborative aspects of it will drive shareable design. Collaborative practices, open exchange, common resources and community are all features that can be built into our designs." (