Social Predatory Cooperation

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Will Ruddick:

"What is Social Predatory Cooperation? Social predatory cooperation involves the strategic collaboration of individuals or groups to gain an unfair advantage, often at the expense and domination of others. This cooperation can lead to systems that are inherently unstable and harmful to those outside the powerful circles and even themselves."


Will Ruddick:

"Historical Examples:

Colonizers: Throughout history, colonial powers have cooperated to exploit the resources and people of the lands they colonized. This cooperation often resulted in the suppression of local populations and the extraction of wealth, leaving long-lasting negative impacts.

Predators and Parasites: In nature, some species exhibit predatory cooperation, where groups of predators or parasites work together to exploit a common resource. This can lead to unsustainable ecosystems and the eventual collapse of prey populations.

Slaver Ants: Some ant species, known as slaver ants, raid colonies of other ants, stealing their brood and forcing them to work as slaves. This cooperation ensures the survival of the slaver ants but devastates the affected colonies.

Corporations and Lobbyists: In the modern economic landscape, large corporations and lobbyists often cooperate to influence legislation and market conditions in their favor. This can result in monopolistic practices, price fixing, and policies that harm consumers and smaller businesses."


Consequences of Social Predatory Cooperation:

Will Ruddick:

"Instability: These cooperative efforts ultimately create unstable systems, as the exploitation and suppression of others lead to resentment, resistance, and eventual collapse.

Inequality: They foster significant inequalities, concentrating wealth and power in the hands of a few while marginalizing others."


Environmental Degradation: Predatory practices often result in the over exploitation of natural resources, leading to environmental destruction and loss of biodiversity.