Semi-Direct Democracy

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Armando Vieira

"The Internet is the culmination of a series of technological innovations that is giving new exciting possibilities to innovate politics. Take the example of some small cities, like San Antonio, in California, where a set of comprehensive and interactive WebPages were built to inform the residents of major activities in the municipality. Moreover, electronic fora allow citizens to discuss revelant issues, and, is some cases, they can “vote” directly on important projects.

If this new concept is helping local communities to better solve their problems, why not apply it to a whole country? I believe that an electronic democracy can be implement in some countries. Up to know, the best known proposal for an electronic democracy is the direct democracy. The supporters of this model claim that all decisions should be subjected to a direct referendum on the Internet. I do not foresee any viability for this system: the issues are too complex, and people have no time, or knowledge, to decide upon them.

If the free market is the best decision mechanism but direct democracy is not viable, what is the alternative? I believe that the model here presented, the Semi-Direct Democracy (SDD), is the answer to transform the actual representative democracy into an interactive representative system.

There are two central points in the SDD:

i) the substitution of the political parties, and most public departments, by specialised Non-profit Political Organisations (NPO); and

ii) the possibility of citizens to have a wider political participation and to exert a tight control on the activities of these organisations.

Let me clarify some points concerning the SDD. First, the meaning of “non-profit political organisations”. These organisations are paid by public money (proportionally to the number of votes they received), but at the same time they have great autonomy to choose its members and to spend or rise money. These organisations are separately elected to take charge of specific public departments for a fixed period of time.

Second, the electronic control by the citizens on these organisations is expressed in two ways. In one hand the political strength of a NPO is proportional to the number of supporters – this being continuously revised. On the other hand, by allowing a direct participation of voters, giving them more referendum options, the right of veto, the right to submit bills to the parliament, the right to replace a NPO. In this way, the SDD is in constant consonance with the citizens.

Third, although it is necessary to introduce a deep modification in the constitution, the role of parliaments as a discussion forum for laws will continue almost unchanged. The number of representatives is proportional to the strength of each NPO. The main difference from the actual system, is the obligation to submit to public decision on important laws or political decisions.

Fourth, the Prime Minister, and some ministers like defence and foreign affairs, will continue to be chosen by direct elections for a fixed mandate. However the remaining government will be composed by the set of the most voted organisations in each field. Some control mechanisms may be implemented, for instance the possibility to dismiss a NPO if the number of supports falls below a certain number.

In my opinion the SDD is a viable system able to restore the interest and confidence of people on politics. These are the main advantages:

   * Ministries and public institutions will be run by specialised and democratically elected institutions with accumulated know-how, not by ephemeral political figures.
   * Citizens will be closer to their representatives (more feedback implies more responsibility).
   * The actual political culture of demagogy will be replaced by a pragmatic culture of efficiency.
   * The influence of lobbies and pressure groups is largely decreased.
   * While it is still a representative democracy, it refrains, and relieves, the citizens from voting directly on every subject.

The dark side of SDD

No political system is perfect. First of all, it should be mentioned that the SDD could not be implemented in any country. A small and homogeneous country, with a well educated population and strong democratic traditions will be the best candidate for the implementation of this system.

Scandinavian countries fit these criteria, but Portugal is definitely not prepared for it. Furthermore, the introduction of a SDD should not be abrupt, but smooth and gradual. This gives time for the adaptation of organisations and citizens. There are several objections that can be raised to the SDD system, namely:

   * Citizens are not capable to wisely decide on many complex issues
   * Lack of a common ideology leads to perpetuating disputes
   * Increase the strength of lobbies
   * Populism

A natural objection to this system is that, without a common political ideology, disputes and cleavage between organisation will turn the country into chaos. This is unlikely to happen since organisations occupy different niches in the public sector, and in cases of overlapping, the constant scrutiny of the population will force cooperation whenever it is necessary. Moreover diverse ideas help the search for alternative solutions, thus creating a more creative political environment.

There is also a possibility that strong lobbies, helped by the media, may soon form an oligopoly capable to control most of these governmental organisations. Clearly this risk exists, since lobbies have always been present within all kinds of government. The most efficient way to control the action of these groups is to extend the powers to a wider public, which is exactly the nature of the SDD. Therefore, I think that the SDD will strike a devastating blow at the special interest groups and lobbies who prevail in most parliaments.

Another objection is that, influenced by the media, demagogy and populism, with all their irrationality, will prevail. For example, proposals for drastic tax reduction may well appear, to which a collapse in social security, for instance, may follow, or a cutting in funding on vital, but apparently useless services, like science. This risk exists, but I believe that a smooth and slow transition period for people to adapt to this system will suffice for them to learn how to avoid these extremes.


In conclusion, let me comment on one of the strongest objections to a more participative democracy. It is the old argument that people are not aware of the complexity of the problems, so that they are not prepared to take wise decisions. This same argument was used against the early stages of democracy in America, to each I recall the answer of Thomas Jefferson “If people are not prepared to decide, we have to educate them in order to be prepared”.

Responsibility is the result of freedom to make decisions and accept the consequences. A society is only responsible when its citizens participate in public decisions. For the first time in history we have the conditions and the technological means to bring to reality a long waited dream: to give everybody a voice in public affairs. Due to the nature of the free market in which it is inspired, the SDD has the means to become an effective information oriented system.

The SDD is neither a direct democracy or the elimination of the State, but a considerable innovation of representative democracy. I am aware that the scope and applicability of this system may give rise to strong criticism and discussion. However, I thing that the ideas here presented deserve reflection, and it is my hope that it may initiate a much-needed discussion on new alternatives to public participation in the actual democracy." (
