Pool of Shareables

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= "A pool of shareables is a set of shared material (or physical) resources, such as physical space, equipment and tools, consumable materials, limited resources, etc." [1]

(Practice in Sensorica's Open Value Network)



"Materials resources play an important role in innovation and co-creation and they are not valuable if they sit idle. In other words, down time of an equipment can constitute a loss of opportunities for an OVN, so we need to make sure, for example, that tools and equipment are well-maintained. One proposition is to implement a budget for maintenance (replenishment, revitalization, upgrade, etc.), which is a practice already established in Sensorica. This maintenance budget can be used by any affiliate who takes the task of maintenance, under specific conditions, according to the Physical resource governance of this particular resource, which may require credentials for the affiliate and other conditions.

Another way to look at it is that a pool of shareable exists as an environment in which agents feel safe to share, and are even incentivized to share all sorts of material assets (share idle, excess, underutilized assets). For example, why would anyone take a 3D printer from his basement and bring it to the Sensorica lab, and allow other people to use it? If the lab is seen as a safe environment (no one can steal), if there are people who can provide technical support (safe and secure use), if there is a mechanism in place to repair it in case it breaks down (not only free riding), if there is some sort of mechanism for traceability of who used it and for what (accountability for users) and other such mechanisms, the individual in question may feel safe to share. The NRP-CAS has been designed with this idea in mind, to provide a network of individuals the security and the incentives to share idle (or excess, underutilized) assets and to put them to good collaborative use. One of the motto that Sensorica uses is Do more with less, which speaks to sharing and recycling resources across the network, in any process.

In short, the pool of shareables is a list of all sorts of material resources that are made available for use or consumption."
