Edward Dutton on How Outgroup Condemnation Breeds Social Media Success and Polarisation

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Video via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIq48mfuVpI

More information

Prof. Dutton comments on the implications of this study:

* Article: Contagious Animosity in the Field: Evidence from the Federal Criminal Justice System¤. By Brendon McConnell Imran Rasul, April 2020

URL = http://brendonmcconnell.github.io/pdf/Animosity_FCJS.pdf

"A vast literature uses ingroup biases to explain animus towards others. The notion can be extended to multi-identity societies, where social preferences are de…ned over one ingroup and multiple outgroups. We use a novel research design to recover the structure of social preferences across outgroups in a high stakes setting."