Employee-Owner Village Model - Rainbird Village, Utah

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= Cooperatively-owned 'producer' municipalities based on home rule legislation in certain states of the US

URL = https://www.rainbirdut.com/


"Living, producer-based Villages in Rural or Semi-rural areas that exemplify application of regenerative technologies and methodologies where villagers can experience better and more regenerative lifestyles in the midst of good business practices.

Rainbird Villages will consist of reasonably large acreage sites in rural or semi-rural areas upon which ecologically regenerative, energy efficient and aesthetically charming landscapes and climate-appropriate methodologies and structures can be developed. Full utilization and support of Nature's technology and bounty, interdependent with respectful human relationships will achieve a symphony of synergistic abundance. Recognizing that ideology is insufficient without good business planning and execution, we have taken a holistic view to economics as well as ecology."
