Evo Devo Theory

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URL = http://www.EvoDevoUniverse.com


John Smart:

"We will briefly model our universe as an evolutionary, information-processing, and developmental systemas an ‘evo info devo’ universe (usually abbreviated ‘evo devo’ universe hereafter).

(In organic systems, adaptive evolutionary development guides the production of intelligent, ordered and complex structures. In such systems we can distinguish evolutionary processes which are stochastic, creative, and ‘divergent,’ and developmental processes which produce statistically predictable, robust, conservative, and ‘convergent’ structures and trajectories.)

Our framework will try to reconcile the majority of unpredictable, evolutionary features of universal emergence with a special subset of potentially statistically predictable and developmental universal trends, including:

- accelerating advances in universal complexity (however we define such advances, e.g. Aunger 2007), seen over the last half of the universe’s life history, in contrast to deceleration over the first half

- increasing spatial and temporal (space-time) locality of universal complexity development

- apparently hierarchical emergence of increasingly matter and energy efficient and matter and energy dense ‘substrates’ (platforms) for adaptation and computation

- the apparent accelerating emergence, on Earth, of increasingly postbiological (technological) systems of physical transformation and computation.

We use the phrase ‘evo devo’ without the hyphen here, to distinguish this speculative philosophy and systems theory from the legitimate science of ‘evo-devo’ biology, from which we seek insights. An international research and critique community in evo info devo systems theories, free and open to all qualified scholars, may be joined at EvoDevoUniverse.com. " (http://accelerating.org/downloads/SmartEvoDevoUniv2008.pdf)

More Information

  1. Author’s email: [email protected].
  2. Evo Devo Universe? A Framework for Speculations on Cosmic Culture By John M. Smart.