Fair Shares Nationally Determined Contribution

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= " “fair share” of the global effort to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C".

URL = http://foe.org/usa-fair-shares-ndc


"environmental, environmental justice, and international development groups are releasing the “Fair Shares Nationally Determined Contribution” (“Fair Shares NDC”) laying out the measures the United States should commit to carrying out to do its “fair share” of the global effort to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, based on its status as the world’s wealthiest country and largest historical carbon polluter. This model document comes in advance of the April 22-23 Leaders’ Summit on Climate hosted by President Biden, ahead of which the United States is expected to unveil a new NDC as part of its reentry into the Paris Agreement.

The U.S. Fair Shares NDC commits the United States to:

  • the equivalent of 195% emissions reductions from 2005 levels by 2030 (i.e., 14 gigatonnes of GHG emissions annually by 2030). This can be achieved by cutting domestic emissions 70% (5 gigatonnes) and providing international finance to enable the equivalent of an additional 125% reduction in developing countries (9 gigatonnes).
  • at least $800 billion in international climate finance contributions between 2021-2030, equally split among finance for mitigation, adaptation, and the loss and damage caused by irreversible climate change ($267 billion each) as a good faith down payment toward the U.S. fair share of international climate finance.

The Fair Shares NDC is grounded in the need to address systemic inequalities and promote environmental justice, human rights, and gender equality. It includes measures to swiftly end the fossil fuel era and equitably achieve emissions reductions, justly transition the U.S. to be powered by 100% renewable and clean energy, ensure the resilience of impacted communities, and provide climate finance for developing countries.

The endorsing organizations are calling on the Biden administration to put forward a revised official U.S. NDC with targets that match the ambition of the Fair Shares NDC, with an implementation plan to reach those targets that prioritizes justice and equity for marginalized and vulnerable communities at home and abroad. " (https://www.actionaidusa.org/news/civil-society-groups-release-fair-shares-ndc-model-for-revised-u-s-climate-action-pledge-under-the-paris-agreement/)