GianMarco Schiesaro

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= Italian author of Free Software and Human Rights, active in development issues


"GianMarco Schiesaro (Italy, 1969) with a degree in Electronic Engineering and subsequently specializing in topics on Development Cooperation and Computer Mediated Communication. He has worked for a number of years in the world of international cooperation, with VIS (International Volunteers for Development) projects of e-learning in developing countries. He is also director of the Training Center for Human Development in Rome and lectures in the Master in Education for Peace (Roma Tre University).

Publications: La sindrome del computer arrugginito (Nuove tecnologie nel Sud del mondo tra sviluppo umano e globalizzazione, SEI, Torino, 2003) e Tecnologie per la didattica (ed. Davide Parmigiani, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, 2004)."