Green Well Fair

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NEF Report, 2009: Green Well Fair: Three economies for social justice



"Green Well Fair explains that a new welfare system must move beyond reliance on the market economy, because continuing economic growth is both unlikely and undesirable. Instead, it must value and nurture the two other economies on which human society depends: the core economy of human resources and the natural economy of the planet. Green Well Fair proposes that the role of the state should be to ensure that all three economies work together for sustainable social justice. This is defined as the fair and equitable distribution of social, economic and environmental resources between people, countries and generations.

The pamphlet sets out a principled framework, traces the development of social policies since welfare state was founded, and identifies six steps towards a 21st century welfare system: well being for all, prevention before cure, grow the core economy, make carbon work for social justice, make public services sustainable and value what matters. It sets out detailed examples to indicate how these ideas can be realised in practice." (