HOEP Project

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= a reference implementation example for a new method of commons production and organization

URL = https://sites.google.com/view/the-hoep-project


"The hOEP project is a reference implementation example for a new method of commons production and organization. It’s pretty far outside the box and might not be recognizable as what you expect, but it works to achieve the goals of a new form of production, organization, and distribution. The hOEP project has some diagrams, but mostly it’s an example of crowdsourced production that doesn’t get into detail about how it works with diagrams and just works as a functional example. The basic idea for the project, from your perspective is that it functions by allowing buyers and sellers in a free market to crowdsource the price of things similar to how the free market works to crowsource the price of things using purchased with money using supply and demand economics. The hOEP project helps people crowdsource and purchase things with their personal time or the community reputation or other things of that nature besides dollars. So if you think dollars function to crowdsource building of a large thing like a bridge or human genome project, then hOEP does the same thing only better because it uses personal time contributed as a metric in addition to personal dollars contributed to a cause or project.

“hOEP is a novel price discount system and human value exchange communications protocol for sellers and consumers to love and profit from. hOEP allows any retailer or seller to make more profit by giving poor, and wonderful, and deserving people price discounts. The more sellers discount price for deserving, poor, or wonderful customers, then the more profit a retailer can make. hOEP Heart is expected to produce an exponential increase to the productive efficiency and distribution efficiency of any market place or market economy. With repeated use by consumers and retailers, it will produce a fractal patterned egalitarian distribution of wealth and resources in the customer demand base. Inequality will be drained from the market places by sellers seeking profit first. hOEP technology, designs, and research is offered freely to all."