Industrial Radical

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Industrial Radical


"Topics to be explored include: radical libertarian alternatives to statism, militarism, and intellectual property; the social and cultural requirements of a free and flourishing society; the structure of work, family, and property relationships in such a society; strategies for getting from here to there; and the possibility of “gains from tradeâ€? between the left/socialist and right/capitalist traditions within libertarianism.

The title “Industrial Radicalâ€? honors the libertarian and individualist anarchist thinkers and activists of the 19th century, who were “industrialâ€? in the sense of championing what they called the industrial mode of social organization, based on voluntary cooperation and mutual benefit, over the militant mode, based on hierarchy, regimentation, and violence; and who were “radicalâ€? in the sense of recognizing that social problems are embedded in sustaining networks of institutions and practices, and so can be addressed only via thoroughgoing social change. Their approach informs our vision." (Roderick Long, cited by Kevin Carson [1])