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= Local Production, Local Consumption

Originally a concept in agriculture to create a sustainable economy, but it can be applied to the economy as a whole.


A group of Japanese researchers has propoped a five-layer P2P architecture to realize LPLC.


Reference: Local Production, Local Consumption Peer-to-Peer Architecture for a Dependable and Sustainable Social Infrastructure. By Saito, K.; Morino, E.; Suko, Y.; Suzuki, T.; Murai, J.;Applications and the Internet Workshops, 2007. SAINT Workshops 2007. International Symposium on Jan. 2007 Page(s):58 - 58

Abstract: "Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a system of overlay networks such that participants can potentially take symmetrical roles. This translates itself into a design based on the philosophy of local production, local consumption (LPLC), originally an agricultural concept to promote sustainable local economy. This philosophy helps enhancing survivability of a society by providing a dependable economic infrastructure and promoting the power of individuals. This paper attempts to put existing works of P2P designs into the perspective of the five-layer architecture model to realize LPLC, and proposes future research directions toward integration of P2P studies for actualization of a dependable and sustainable social infrastructure."