Leigh Blackall

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= New Zealand based advocate for networked learning


By Sean Fitzgerald:

"Leigh was one of the key figures developing the philosophy of 'networked learning' which in some ways is a precursor to Siemen's (and Downes') Connectivism. We did a presentation together on the topic back in 2005 which was well received - http://networkedlearning.wikispaces.com/knowledge+sharing

Leigh has done many more presentations on the topic since - http://wikieducator.org/User:Leighblackall

Leigh was also part of the early 'LMS vs PLE' debate which saw online Learning Management Systems like Blackboard reflecting and perpetuating traditional educational models and power dynamics which are hierarchical, teacher- and curriculum-centred and instructivist, pitted against using a collection of distributed Web 2.0 tools to form a Personal Learning Environment (hence PLE) that reflected a more networked, non-hierarchical, student-centred, p2p, constructivist learning model.

He caused quite a stir in the edublogosphere with his 'Die LMS die! You too PLE!' - http://teachandlearnonline.blogspot.com/2005/11/die-lms-die-you-too-ple.html - and 'Teaching is dead, long live learning' - http://leighblackall.wikispaces.com/Global+Summit rants."

He is based in Dunedin, New Zealand.

More Information

  1. SL - Leroy Goalpost, http://learnonline.wordpress.com
  2. http://www.wikieducator.org/User:Leighblackall