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=a person committed to eating and learning about food grown within their food shed.

URL = http://www.localvore.co.uk/


"A localvore is a person committed to eating and learning about food grown within their food shed. Localvores recognise that there are multiple benefits of eating food grown close to home. The informal movement has sprouted in the past five years in response to a food supply that has become increasingly global and sprawling.

A Localvore is a person dedicated to eating food grown and produced locally. There are a lot of good reasons to eat locally grown and produced food.

  • Less resources (primarily fossil fuels) are expended packaging and transporting local food.
  • It supports the local economy - more money remains in our local community.
  • It is healthier - processing and preservatives are less important since the food doesn't have to travel so far.
  • It is safer and thus localvores are less susceptible to foodborn illnesses.
  • It is more honest - honesty in terms of the food source (i.e. organic seeds vs. GMO seeds) and the growing/producing process. It has to be! We are all neighbours.
  • If for no other reason - IT TASTES BETTER!

Localvores are people committed to eating and learning about foods grown within their local food shed. They may have varying levels of commitment, but Localvores recognise that there are multiple benefits of eating foods grown close to home."