Maker Library Network

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= "creative spaces for making, showing and reading. They contain three key elements of a library, a makespace and a gallery".


"A British Council initiative highlighting Making as a cultural practice, connecting Makers globally through exhibitions and exchanges."


"Maker Libraries are creative spaces for making, showing and reading. They contain three key elements of a library, a makespace and a gallery, connected via an online platform for sharing skills and resources. Each Maker Library is led by a librarian who is interested in fostering creative, social thinking and learning through making by running a dynamic programme of activities and workshops. As an active member of the MLN community, the librarian has an opportunity to contribute, connect and learn with like-minded people.

Librarians in each country are able to adapt the MLN principles for their local environment and location; whether in their studio, in the corner of a cafe, or in a purpose built travelling vehicle.

When a Maker Library is set up, the librarian receives a starter kit which includes a blueprint to build a library, a core set of books, a growing resource of open designs and access to a panel of mentors via the online platform.

The Maker Library Network was initially developed as part of the British Council’s Connect ZA season to connect designers and makers in the UK and South Africa. The Network is currently expanding globally." (