People-Centered Development Forum

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People-Centered Development Forum

An organization created by David Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World.


"The PCDForum envisions human societies in which three values serve as organizing principles of public policy.

Justice. The just society gives first priority in allocating the human share of the sustainable renewable resource output of earth's eco-system to assuring all people the opportunity to meet their physical needs at the level required for physical and mental good health. Progress beyond this most basic of goals is measured by indicators of social, intellectual, and spiritual advancement that reflect the quality of life, not the quantity of consumption.

Inclusiveness. The inclusive society assures every person the right to participate in the decisions that shape their lives and the opportunity to be a recognized and respected contributor to family, community and society. It roots power in local people and communities, and gives their rights and needs precedence over any rights and needs claimed by corporations and the institutions of the state.

Sustainability. The sustainable society celebrates the unity and diversity of all life and engages in a constant and conscious effort to balance human consumption and population with the needs of other life and the regenerative capacities of the eco-system. It embraces the natural obligation of human societies to protect the well-being of future generations of all species by maintaining earth's natural capital and recognizing the rights of other species to share in the planet’s ecological space." (