Philosophical Basis of Transhumanist Politics

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* Article: Benedikter, R., Siepmann, K., & McIntosh, A. (2016). The Philosophical Basis of “Transhumanist” Politics: Analyzing the future of transhumanist ideology based on the book ’The Transhumanist Wager’. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 24(1), 103–114. doi



"Transhumanism conceives itself as the next phase of humanism, postulating to leave behind most of its allegedly outdated features and paradigms. To that purpose, transhumanism has recently developed its own philosophy to get to a concrete social ideology, on which political action can be based. This philosophy has been first concentrated in the best-selling book (No. 1 New York Times bestseller) “The Transhumanist Wager” (2013). We discuss the basic elements of the social philosophy of transhumanism in its attempt to overcome traditional humanism both in the social sphere and in politics, including the innovative elements and the contradictions inbuilt in its current self-concept and thought."

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From the same author:

Benedikter, R. and J. Giordano. 2012. “Neurotechnology: New Frontiers for European Policy.” Journal of European Government 3: 204–207.

Benedikter, R. and J. Giordano. 2011. “The Outer and the Inner Transformation of the Global Social Sphere through Technology: The State of Two Fields in Transition.” New Global Studies 5(1): 1–17.

Benedikter, R., K. Siepmann and A. Macintosh. 2015. “The Age of Transhumanist Politics Has Begun. Will it Change Traditional Concepts of Left and Right?” Leftist Review. Commentaries on Politics, Science, Philosophy and Religion (March): 1–18.