Rose Sackey-Milligan on Integrating Spirituality and Social Activism

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"n this dialogue, I interview Rose about her early years during the Civil Rights Movement and her personal entrance into the African spiritual traditions.

We then discuss the relationship between spirituality and social activism and investigate the gifts and limitations of both spiritual and social activist approaches to change, while advocating for a deeper integration of both. We also explore the deep impacts of racism and race experience in shaping human consciousness.

Arguing the need for a deeper and more complex understanding of how dynamics of oppression and privilege shape individual, cultural and spiritual development, we aim to articulate a more encompassing and multi-dimensional approach to individual and cultural liberation." (


"Rose Sackey-Milligan is a writer, educator, and award winning socio-cultural anthropologist who received full ordination into the Lùkùmí priesthood in 1997. She has been practicing and studying African traditional religions since 1991.

Rose has traveled extensively in Southern and West Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America and the United States. She is also co-director of c-Integral, Inc., a non-profit education and research organization that educates, trains and mentors social change agents in an integral approach to liberation and transformation. She formerly served as Director of the Social Justice Program, Center for Contemplative Mind in Society and Program Director, Peace Development Fund.

Rose received her Masters and Doctorate of Philosophy degrees in Anthropology from the University of Connecticut. At present, she is a Program Officer at the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities and coordinates the “Literature and Medicine: Humanities at the Heart of Healthcare” program."

More Information

Check out Rose’s forthcoming book: Ifá/Òrìsà and Lùkùmí Voice on the Evolution of Consciousness, Culture and the Future of Humanity