Trade Unions for Energy Democracy

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= TUED is a global, multi-sector initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and the repression of workers’ rights [1]



"Unions and their close allies are coming together because they understand that the present direction of the world’s energy systems amounts to a planetary emergency. The transition to an equitable, sustainable energy system can only occur if there is a decisive shift in power towards workers, communities and the public. Unions participating in TUED share the view that greater democratic direction, public intervention, community control, and social ownership over energy options and resources are urgently needed—energy democracy.

TUED aims to:

➢ Provide a space for trade unions from all sectors and countries to debate, develop and promote real solutions to the climate crisis, land grabs, energy poverty, and pollution generated by fossil fuels—solutions that can build unions, worker and community power, and advance social and environmental justice.

➢ Help build and strengthen a global trade union community for energy democracy. Trade Unions for Energy Democracy will allow unions to share information, analyses, develop educational materials, convene meetings, encourage debate, and facilitate connections to other movements and organizations that share similar goals.

➢ Encourage collaboration to develop strategies to build broad membership engagement and to share ideas and perspectives in the spirit of active solidarity and internationalism.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy is a multi-partner initiative coordinated by the New York City-based Cornell Global Labor Institute, a program of the Worker Institute at Cornell, in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung- New York Office."

More Information

  • Read the Trade Unions for Energy Democracy 2-page summary for more information about this initiative. [2]