User talk:Dante/M

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First , I like to express that I feel limited by words. They are not a language and medium that allows me to express easily the relations between everything.

Thats why , in my previous mail , I mentioned my ideas about some meta writing.

see :

This , as I see it , could lead to a lot of solutions , but right now such idea of meta writing , combined with " process dimensions " , might be at a level of abstraction few people feel comfortable with , as long as they do not have the result of some kind of software with direct results in front of their eyes.

I realize that its easier to share certain meta ideas with younger people then older people , independently of their studies or level of education ;

a capacity to understand and visualize apparently more dependent on their ease at conceptualizing.

I feel a great need for " Meta Solutions " - Solutions to the (em)power(ment) of Solutions , Solutions that facilitate Solutions - Dimensions that open up dimensions, ...

I guess thats what many of us are engaged in developing together , through emergence and experimentation with collective intelligence approaches.

I feel that for this , specific control and coercion consciousness can only get in the way , as it leads to a structural limitation and bottleneck. It does not mean excluding use of control , it simply means being aware not being addicted to specific control.

Such consciousness can be embedded in any system.

I can visualize this with my process dimensions :

and the process dimensions are based on every empirical observation about every process I experience and see around me , and many of the different experiments or documentation about different approaches I read on the net , including that of open source movements.

We can also start a discussion group about this for whoever would be interested.

Ultimately I would like to have a tool that makes such visualization possible , especially to facilitate higher levels of abstraction and with a greater number of elements , and to "make such medium the message".

But alone at this moment I can not - so I work together with whoever is interested.