Foodsharing - Germany

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= "We “save” unwanted and over-produced food in private households and in small and large businesses".



"We are an initiative that works against food waste. We “save” unwanted and over-produced food in private households and in small and large businesses.

In addition, we see ourselves as an educational political movement and feel committed to sustainable environmental and consumption goals. Among other things, we are campaigning for a throw-away stop and against the packaging madness in supermarkets. We are present at events or in the media with these and other topics and start our own campaigns.

Our foodsharing community and our activities are organized primarily through the online platform foodsharing. This is where the food rescuers (food sharers / food savers) network and coordinate in the individual cities and regions. National topics, events and information are published on the platform.

Our foodsharing initiative was launched in Berlin in 2012. In the meantime it has grown into an international movement with over 200,000 registered users in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other European countries.

The members of the foodsharing community work on a voluntary basis and free of charge. The foodsharing initiative is and will remain free, non-commercial, independent and free of advertising. We want to make the platform open source and more easily accessible worldwide - just like the foodsharing concept of food saving already is." (