Kitchen Share

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= tool library for 'home chefs' in Portland, Oregon



By Marion Weymes and Maira Sutton:

"With the rising costs and shrinking space associated with city living, kitchen appliances and gadgets can be superfluous uses of money and precious cupboard room. Yet interest in healthy eating and sustainable living is growing, and many people are looking to try out new cooking and lifestyle practices, which sometimes require a number of new and unique devices. Kitchen Share, which launched in 2012, effectively acts as a tool library, allowing community members to borrow from a wide variety of kitchen and cooking appliances such as dehydrators, mixers, and juicers. With two locations in Portland, it supports people in moving away from personal ownership and embracing the benefits of sharing with neighbors. As a nonprofit community resource for home chefs, Kitchen Share asks only for a one-time donation upon joining, providing affordable access to otherwise expensive and bulky items, thereby increasing the use of idle resources and building more resourceefficient urban communities." (

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