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The solutions to the roots of many actual societal and systemic issues may exist in its individuals’ shared beliefs and values that form the patterns of communication between people.

To improve the state of politics and economics we collectively explore the mutual agreements that determine human relationships, habits, and behaviors. When individuals recognize identifiable biases and misconceptions, new possibilities and realities become clear.

The Naked Mind Protocol provides an inclusive and beneficial effort to collectively explore what truly composes each one of us.

One metaphor for understanding this is as a serious social game involving semantic tools that facilitate collaboration. This kind of communication protocol solves issues of all kinds and facilitates community life at multiple fractal levels: individual, family, tribe, community, and even planetary.

What follows is an explanation of the protocol, descriptions of scenarios where it may be applied, and possible evolutions of the technology.

Definition of a Naked Mind

Human being

  • Willing to get rid of the frontiers betwixt himself and others while communicating. Communication without pre-processing of informations.
  • Suppression of social censorship which aims to externalise modified informations in order to protect the communicating entity from possible judgements from receivers of the information.
  • Communicating with absolute honesty and transparency, sharing every thought and question without altering them.

It could be seen as a rudimentary form of telepathy (as mind to mind communication) as it aims to get rid of some of the conditions of verbal communication like social decency.

Naked Mind communication can be seen as automated speaking (compared to automated writing).

Such form of communication needs equally honest and transparent listeners which are able to suppress post-processing information like judgement. (or else it can even be dangerous for the naked mind) It seems important also that a Naked Mind need to be able to switch its communication form in order to avoid a possible marginalization in mainstream society. Being conscious of other selves abilities to communicate and grasp other realities is a good way to understand one’s own limitations and find shareable fields of information.

The Naked Mind can be considered an open source human compared to closed-source humans which are the actual “norm” in society.

Basics of Naked Mind Protocol

- Use of Non-Violent communication enriched by semantic tools such as Netention.

- Synchronous communication, is used mostly to express positive feelings and informations that need immediate response. Communication can be both verbal and virtual, using text, audio or video.

- Asynchronous communication is used when temporal and/or emotional dimensions can or need to be tempered. It can go from sharing ideas and emotions to pointing an inter-personal problem. This is crucial considering inter-personal issues, as it removes some of the emotional tensions in such a situation, and add a temporal dimension which allows a better processing of the information. Communication is virtual, using text, audio or video.

- Collective issues are discussed verbally or virtually depending on the temporal urgency and the emotional charge of the issue.

- Monitoring of mental states

- Agreements unique to the group and mutually decided

- Sociomapping generated with semantic tools.

A Form of P2P Therapy

The possible benefits of such non-altered communication are a better self-understanding, the potential release of denied issues which can be deeply buried, and the seeking of unity with other selves. By removing social and verbal barriers, the naked mind will feel a better sense of unity with the help of other naked minds who will help him understand himself thanks to shared experiences and insights.

Hypnosis can allow this form of communication, but in a distorted way, as the naked mind opens his heart to an analyst, a post-processing information specialist, so there will always be an alteration of the sense of unity.

We could imagine a group of naked minds sharing with the most possible honesty and transparency their own intimacy, allowing others to comment on it, or share similar thoughts or experiences to help each naked soul better learn about itself.

It could be some sort of a new psychology practice where everyone involved is the patient and analyst at the same time, the open heart and the loving and attentive ear. Something like a P2P psycho-therapy. Interesting to note that a vast majority of psychiatrists see themselves another psychiatrist.

Semantic tools are an interesting way to allow this kind of interactions/form of communication.

Dante wrote about Netention:

"Users could also start observing their own bias, by realizing if their actions match their intentional preferences... and eventually question themselves based on observations of themselves, or others."

A semantic approach could link people struggling with similar issues and people who have solved the same issues. By being aware of potentialities, choices become easier to consider.

It could also allow a better solving of collective issues with a shared objective : unity through diversity and self-realisation through collective processes.

Maybe it could allow the emergence of a social memory complex, a collective brain with autonomous but still inter-related cells.

Using Netention as a Library of Pharmakons

Wikipedia definition of pharmakon : "A variation of this term is "pharmakon" (φάρμακον) a complex term meaning sacrament, remedy, poison, talisman, cosmetic, perfume or intoxicant. From this, the modern term "pharmacology" emerged."

Netention uses an approach similar to RDF/OWL databases, allowing semantic links between objects.

Later on this document, the term virus or program will be mostly used as the main objective of such protocol is to collectively cure oneselves. But a proper term would be pharmakon as every social or psychological construct can have a creative or destructive effect, empowerment or addiction.

Each “social and psychological object”, which can be material or immaterial, can have positive or negative effects that will vary for each individual. Needs, context, personal development... Every individual is unique and, even if it’s possible to draw patterns from shared contexts, a medicine for one may be the poison of another one.

Semantic tools may allow to build a collective library which could be constantly improved with shared experiences. Facilitating communication between people sharing the same issues or programs may be a good way to create a sane environment without judgement or such negative feelings.

Also, as the philosophy of such approach is to consider that nothing is good or wrong, and nothing is normal ; that in reality, every positive or negative effect of anything depends on inter-related and inter-dependant elements, the overall result will likely be a more respectful and open-minded insight.

This library of pharmakons may later be used as an epistemological tool as it may allow to visualise interdependancies on various levels of abstraction, with a potentially infinite number of points of vue.

Healing Infected Minds - P2P Psycho-Therapy

It is the most difficult task of a Naked Mind as many programs are incorporated as soon as a child is born. There are thousands of inter-related layers and it may take a lot of time and a suitable environment to understand, accept, and then get beyond each layer, maybe generations.

An exemple of layer of viruses relating to consumerist society is the gift. Every year, at various dates, or more often, depending on the attitudes of the parents, a child is given gifts. It gives the child a certain sense of hapiness strenghtened by the loving attitude of the giver. The frequency of such experiences conditions the sense of happiness of the child. Advertisements strenghten even more this dependency on objects and gifts to feel happiness, or a certain sense of contentment.

One of the most important steps to get to a certain form of spirituality is to be detached from materialism, so gifts have every characteristics of a virus : it alters the proper functioning of the entity, is transmitted by other entities and is not a conscious threat as long as the anti-viral system is found and activated, in this case, a willing towards spirituality.

This only illustrates one of the thousands viruses that can constitute the belief patterns of an entity and shows how the social environment in its entirety is a pathogenic agent.

These pathogenic agents can have good or bad effects. We can consider as bad gifts the repetitive satisfaction of needs, and as good gifts the unsuspected gifts meant to open up new alternatives, new knowledge, practices, arts...

Engineering and Spreading the Anti-virus Program

Engineering new Realities seems also an interesting possibility. It requires a certain number of people sharing common values and that have already removed most of their viruses and are communicating as Naked Minds.

There is not a real need of a closed environment depending on the objectives of this new shared reality. If the objective is to spread an anti-virus program, it just needs an environment protected from the most aggressive viruses, as the Naked Minds have the tools to protect, and collectively heal themselves. In such environment, an interesting complement could be soma-therapy.

An ideal environment could be this project i've designed with a few friends, Demopolis, doc in french. Or also the project Dante supports in Leipzig.

The Spiritual and Intellectual Quest of a Naked Mind

I think hat our purpose in this reality is to experience certain things, to learn from it and to get beyond it.

I also think that "easy" ways to maximise the potential of this learning process, hence transcendence of self, is to :

- Expand the fields of experience, may it be material or form-based. To explore the different facets of life. Traveling, practicing many sports... And/or being constantly curious about new knowledge, without necessarily having an intimate and specialist-like approach to each of these facets.

- Cultivate an innocent child mind, contrary to rational and skeptical thinking. Having the intimate knowing and understanding that LIFE IS MAGICAL, and keeping in mind the rational and skeptical thinking as a useful tool, among many others, to understand the reality.

- Expand consciousness : the prism of consciousness is the quantitative and qualitative definition of one's possible awakening/change of awareness/transcendence of self. Simply said, the things you are conscious about (as knowing and caring about) will partly determine what will be learnt/experienced.

The prism of consciousness has been collectively narrowed down by beliefs and lack of knowledge / awareness to countries, tribes, families and even just the self. One interesting phenomenon we are living now is that globalisation and ecological issues have widely expanded the prism of consciousness all over the globe... It may lead to the transcendence of a global collective self...

Re-Discover the Quantum Brain

Quick introductory video : Consciousness drives the universe

Documentary that expands a lot on this topic : What the blip do we know ?

Another one : Quantum Communication

One of the most disturbing discoveries of this century in the field of science is about quantum mechanics. When Einstein discovered that the observer had an influence on experiments results, he first didn’t believed it, but a few years later, he was forced to admit this fact. Nowadays, this fact is one of the numerous taboos in academic science and has been mostly evaded by trying to remove the spectator from any experiment.

This article in Science Daily shows one of the experiments made to prove this.

It is mostly admitted that the human brain is similar to a computer far more powerful than anything we can hope to invent in a near future.

Is it going too far to imagine that it is a quantum computer that may have the ability to alter time and space, to create realities ?

Based on this assumption, we can easily understand that some elements block our super-computer from its full power. We can also visualise them as virus in the computer term. Viruses that alter the proper functioning of a computer.

One of the properties of a virus is its ability to replicate and spread from a computer to another.

Now, let’s imagine that belief patterns are cognitive viruses. They have all the properties of a virus, as they are usually socially shared and even constitute the social tissue of societies and communities. For example, money is a virtual value, that is commonly admitted to have a real value, hence allowing more complex exchanges than with barter or other methods.

Beliefs define reality as they explain the world, and create artificial boundaries in the range of possibilities.

Naked Mind and space travel

Space travel is at a really beginning stage and one of the major issues concerns the psychological behaviour of these early explorators.

A book has been recently published about this topic, but as this review points out, some critical aspects are not discussed, or maybe hidden because of secrecy.

Another relevant book discussing this topic is the Mars Trilogy written by Kim Stanley Robinson.

The Mars-500 mission used sociomapping to monitor social behaviour.

Semantic tools could allow the automatic generation and updates of such sociomap, and also automatically detect possible emerging conflicts.

The advantages of using such a tool are numerous.

The role of the psychologist in such a team is really difficult, as it is pointed in Mars Trilogy. This character having no one to express its profound feelings, he may feel lonely as its role can be pictured as the loving father and mother of the crew, hence the feeling of being excluded.

So this role could be diluted among every person of the crew by defining a Naked Mind protocol using semantic tools and virtual means of communication.

The choice of a crew might as well be crucial. The Generation Z or those having an intimate connection with new technologies and virtual worlds are more likely to live far from a "natural environment". Being able to spend months or years without any real social behaviour or "normal activities" other than virtual activities through internet like coding, communicating, playing... can be a huge advantage, and i sense this kind of people are more likely to adapt to a Naked Mind protocol.

It seems obvious that human species isn't adapted for space travel, long missions or definitive settling on other planets, hence the need to "engineer" an evolution of human species by altering psychological trends. I don't think there's a need to go too far, video games players, and many people living more in the virtual than the natural realm have many traits that could be crucial for such explorations.

Schizotherapy: multiply yourself to unify with the dynamics of life (and hopefully feel better in the process)

I believe personalities are made of multiple agents that are working like an Inner Council. This process is more or less conscious, and can be extreme in schizophrenia cases. Being conscious of this process, and even training it, may allow us to make better decisions, for example.

Identifying an agent may allow to understand its function towards ourselves and others.

Creating a new agent is like creating another self that will have certain types of relationships with other inner agents that will evolve through time.

"What magical trick makes us intelligent? The trick is that there is no trick. The power of intelligence stems from our vast diversity, not from any single, perfect principle." – Marvin Minsky, The Society of Mind

The awareness of the influence and relationships of the inner agents between themselves may allow detection of biases. For example, Subject X having two inner agents:

  • the first one is identified as Bob : he's nice, overall a good guy, virtuous, respectful, etc ;
  • the second one is identified as Marvin : he's lazy, doesn't feel concerned about others, and is looking for security.

As Subject X is getting more conscious of the two agents, he succeeds in identifying the personal needs, fears, values, etc in which each agent is something like a symbolic representation. By bringing awareness to the inner conflicts between these agents, one self may be able to see if its inner council is just one voice, and has little potential to evaluate a situation with enough variety of perspectives to analyse it efficiently. Or an Inner Council may have a manichean structure. Or there may be pseudo-agents, which are clones of other inner agents with just a different language or appearance.

There may be power and mind games within our own minds. This game can be totally unconscious, hence probably a lot of so-called psychological troubles...

We can do more than play this game, we can create the rules, the players and the winning conditions. Program our own Biocomputers ?

I also think that there is a dialectical process in this environment of Inner Agents. Some agents may oppose during a certain time to finally find enough connections to even work together, becoming a kind of super-agent.

As we are looking for unity, meaning we don't like having endless fights between inner agents, we naturally merge and connect these agents, trying to make sense of this swarm.

I think we can consciously create a new Inner Agent to open new perspectives and ways to think or perceive reality. There are multiples reasons to do such thing: learning a new field of study, enhance critical thinking, and even basic well-being. For example, creating an Inner Agent dedicated to contemplation, observation, peace, patience may allow some individuals to live more happily.

This process probably happens each time we meet someone different.

I imagine easily such process in Netention. Creating different personas that represent each of these Inner Agents, slowly describing them more accurately, bringing more awareness.

We could even share our personas, so that we can almost download someone else's agents, compare them with our owns, and decide to integrate it. A bit like a personality program. Or semantic schizo-agent ?

Note : In the case of shizophrenia, the Inner Council may not even exist, and Inner Agents take control without interfering with others. In case of multiple personalities that don't communicate and are in conflict for the control, they are also disjoint as they are mutually exclusive.

Original articles

The Open Source Human Naked Mind: Exploration of a New Form of Communication

The Naked Mind and Space Exploration

Global Brain(damage): Healing the Quantum Brain & Spreading the Naked Mind Antivirus

Schizotherapy: multiply yourself to unify with the dynamics of life (and hopefully feel better in the process)