Social Flights

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= Social Flights uses social technology in a unique way to help like-minded travelers find each other [1]



"Social Flights uses social technology in a whole new way to allow like-minded travelers to find each other efficiently and effectively. Social Flights gives those travelers the means to share and coordinate their travel plans and to secure private aircraft for their trips. By allowing these travelers to use collective buying power to purchase On Demand Flights, the travelers are able to complete their trips with less frustration, more convenience, more comfort and with trip costs that are comparable to what they would have paid had they used scheduled airline service.

Social Fliers form affinity groups called Travel Tribes. When Social Fliers initiate trips, other members of their Tribe may be notified, allowing other Social Fliers to join the flight. Once all seats are filled, Social Flights verifies all details with the aircraft operator and the Social Fliers, seats are purchased and the flight is taken. Social Fliers enjoy the unparalleled convenience and efficiency of private aviation at costs that even a CFO can endorse.

Social Flights provides travelers with an option to the inadequate scheduled airline system, allowing them to travel on their own schedule, on budget, and with less wasted time and energy." (


Dan Robles:

"Social Flights is attempting to replace the horrific concrete wasteland of the command and control “Hub & Spoke” system with a Democracy. Our premise is that people can self-organize around two points and efficiently share an airplane that flies directly between them from smaller airports. In effect, we replace the infrastructure with cloud data to accomplish the same thing with a far superior customer experience, and therefor, greater true value.

Think about it; all of the world’s airlines are competing with each other in a race to the bottom around the Hub and Spoke system. The two largest aircraft manufacturers are beating each other up around the strengths and limitations of the Hub and Spoke System. The whole system is limping along on razor thin margins. Yet, the vast majority of “true and complete” Value of travel is the human experience and the value of relationships, communities, and their actions together. The only reason that Travel exists is being unceremoniously tossed out on the tarmac… " (