The P2P Foundation knowledge commons has been built over more than a decade. There are several websites comprising what we think of as our “web ecosystem”, offering different ways of both organizing and accessing information.
P2P Foundation
The P2P Foundation launched its original knowledge commons in 2005, led by Michel Bauwens and others. It reflects the work of the Foundation and the broader P2P/Commons movement, along with many closely related social, political, and environmental causes.
Resources include the P2P Foundation blog and related P2P Foundation wiki (the world’s largest database on P2P and Commons initiatives) are pluralistic and expansive, with a wide range of categories and contributions reflecting the work of many movements. These are updated daily.
The home or “landing” page for the P2P Foundation contains basic information and links to all other sites including Commons Transition.
Commons Transition, launched in 2015, presents the P2P Foundation’s philosophy regarding culture, politics, self-organized labor, localized production and environmental restoration. The original impetus for Commons Transition was as a home for the policy work initiated with the FLOK society project, and as a springboard for further development of this policy track. This focus is being expanded again with a site revamp and launch of a “think-tank” in concert with partner initiatives, planned for 2018.
The Commons Transition Primer project makes the P2P Foundation’s core ideas on the Commons and P2P accessible, attractive and shareable for commoners and communities worldwide. Featuring specially commissioned illustrations and infographics, the site is organized in several sections:
- Short: Q&A-style illustrated articles presenting some of the P2P Foundation’s main positions
- Long: In-depth, longer articles
- Library: Downloadable PDF versions of P2P Foundation research publications
- More: Video, audio and other content, plus site information and other links
Commons Transition Stories highlights original material by members of the P2PF, including Special Reports, alongside other curated information. Commons Transition Wiki is more tightly curated than the main wiki and features semantic categorization. It also hosts thematic sub-wikis, such as the Law for the Commons Wiki. The Commons Transition sites are updated regularly, not daily.
Both the P2P Foundation and Commons Transition Wikis have their own discussion pages and dedicated Loomio groups for contributor discussions.
Regional/Language-specific P2P Foundation Sites
P2P Foundation regional groups have dedicated websites:
P2P Foundation France Blog and Wiki
P2P Foundation Greece Blog and Wiki
P2P Foundation Netherlands Blog
Related Websites
We recommend the following websites, some of which are collaborations with the P2P Foundation, as essential elements of the broader P2P/Commons related knowledge commons: