The P2PF Network

The P2P Foundation is a not-for-profit organization registered in the Netherlands. Beyond this, the network that has grown around the P2P Foundation extends worldwide, including groups and individuals. We actively encourage these relationships and contributions. People who identify with the principles of P2P are encouraged to participate in our knowledge commons, and to add their voices to the P2P Foundation network. This network also includes emergent affinity groups with sister initiatives such as the Commons Strategies Group, Commons Network, Remix the Commons, the European Commons Assembly and others.

People regularly ask us how they can express their relationship to the P2P Foundation. To satisfy this request, our founder and core team have discussed and agreed on the following terms that describe the roles that we presently use and observe others using.


A Supporter engages with our social media, and/or attends and supports the work of events involving the Foundation, including our Loomio discussion groups. This is the most broad and flexible, therefore least specific, of our roles. Everyone is welcome to be a supporter.


In addition to acting as a Supporter as described above, an Affiliate also voluntarily participates through the blog, wiki or other, perhaps deeper, levels of engagement. Affiliates could be characterised as more actively engaged supporters. For example, people who help introduce and create groups or coalitions that advance towards concrete projects are considered “affiliates”. Affiliates are free to self organize, and are not accountable to the Foundation for their work. Their only accountability would be for how they represent the Foundation (see below). The work of Affiliates is voluntary, i.e. not supported with funds from the Foundation, although the Foundation provides other support and assistance where possible. All active members of the P2P Foundation Research Network are also considered to be members of the P2P Foundation, as well as all recognized members of the P2P Foundation’s International/regional entities, which should reproduce this same structure with their own specific Core Teams.


A Member describes anyone actively and presently working with the Foundation on concrete projects either coordinated by the Foundation, or where the Foundation is an active partner. Members are fully accountable and their project work is funded (when available) from a Foundation-related source. 

Global Core Team

The P2P Foundation Global Core team includes people undertaking the day-to-day functional duties of the P2PF, coordinating the global community and acting as caretakers of the culture for the P2P Foundation in its not-for-profit structure. This includes individuals who work full time and/or derive their livelihood, fully or in part, from the Foundation. Global Core Team members are fully accountable to each other and to the principles of the P2P Foundation, and are not limited to working on fixed-term project work. Find out more about the current Global Core team here.

Advisory Board

The P2P Foundation Advisory Board is a non-legally binding, informal assembly. Potential board members are approached by the Foundation to ascertain their availability and commitment. Their role is designed to be non-intensive and punctual, including 3 yearly online meetings, advice on decision making, conflict resolution, critical analysis, and feedback on the P2PF’s strategy and actions.

The current members of our Advisory Board are:

  • Janelle Orsi
  • Hilary Wainwright
  • Primavera de Filippi
  • David Bollier
  • Alnoor Ladha
  • Douglas Rushkoff

Self-governance, communication and representation

The following guidelines apply for all roles in the P2P Foundation and Network: Supporters, Affiliates, Members, Core Team (including Regional Teams) and Advisory Board, with regard to self-governance, communication and representation of the Foundation:

  • Familiarity and accordance with the P2P Foundation’s starting positions.
  • Avoiding speaking on behalf of the P2P Foundation without prior discussion with and consent from the Global Core Team.
  • All roles are autonomous in their decision-making as long as the decision does not implicate the P2P Foundation in general.
  • We uphold the principle that all actions are okay unless there is explicit objection. If there is objection, then discussions should take place to resolve the issue.
  • Decisions that could affect the P2P Foundation in general should be communicated with the Global Core Team.

These guidelines are also reflected in our Social Charter for P2PF International structures, and were partly adapted from materials developed for the European Commons Assembly and P2P Foundation France.